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Laura Smith as Megan Martin

In real life her name is Laura Smith but on the pages of a book she becomes Megan Martin.

Picture taken at Hasting's book signing the same day as those below.



This is a picture from our book signing at Hastings books in Fort Smith, AR.

From left to right.  Dawn Smith (editor/producer), Kristy (Brianna the nosy neighbor girl), Bryon Smith (author), Ricky Casino (Julianna Skii, movie star in novel #6 "Dark Matter"), Jeremy Rush (Ray Thompson, farm hand, novel #6, "Dark Matter"), Laura Smith (Megan Martin) on Jeremy's lap.


With Sheer Bliss, at Hastings entertainment center in Fort Smith, AR

Rachel (far left) first referred to our Megan Martin girls as "book stars" and the name stuck.  Now we frequently refer to them as "book stars" and they seem to favor the terminology.

Rachel, Rickie, Laura, Chad.

Who's Rickie? In the novel series book #6 "Dark Matter" her character is "Julianna Skii" the queen of the alien monster movies and Brianna's favorite actress.  Read more in the previews pages.


With Sheer Bliss, at Hastings entertainment center in Fort Smith, AR

Rachel, Kristy, Morgan (MiKayla), Chad.

Thank you Rachel and Chad.  We love your music!

Polly Crews Radio Show on KFSA 950am

Here is a picture of Laura at the microphone with radio/TV show host personality Polly Crews in the background.

NOW you can listen to this radio show by clicking on the picture to the left!

Polly Crews TV Show

Author Bryon Smith with daughter Laura Smith on Polly Crews TV show being shot at NBC affiliate studio in Fort Smith, AR.

Vian, OK. High School  4-25-2003

We spent the day at the Vian, OK high school library speaking to the students and teachers answering questions and generally having a good time.

This is the librarian Kim Harrison at Vian, OK. high school.

Thank you for having us.

This is Mrs, Lowe, one of the English teachers at Vian, OK. high school.  Her granddaughter is Tempestt Lowe, who has a character called "Kat" mentioned in novel number 3 "A Christmas Story" and then returns in book 5 and 6.

Thank you Mrs, Lowe for having us come to visit your school.

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Copyright © 2003 Bryon Smith