John is our grillmiester!
They tell me he has adopted the character "Ray" in novel #6 "Dark Matter" but if you look at the novel you will see he didn't get his picture on the cover.  Sorry about that John. :-(
I had intended to get everyone's picture before anyone got into the pool.  Which girl has all ready been in the pool?
Here we have our three main book stars posing in front of The Adventures of Megan Martin banner.  Point your mouse pointer over their image for more information.
Amber Harrold
Amber's novel character is Megan's best friend May Lynx. May is impulsive, frequently says what ever is on her mind.  As a result she sometimes gives away secrets that gets Megan into trouble.
Laura, Amber, Kristy?
Pool Party Home Page
Corrie, Hannah, Amber, Laura, Kristy, Ashley
Corrie, Hannah, Amber, Laura, John, Kristy, Ashley
This is a graphic intensive website.
Please wait for the pictures to load.
Bryon and Laura Smith are the creators of "The Adventures of Megan Martin" novel series.  They are currently working to adapt the novel series to screenplay format.  "The Medallion Mystery" is completed and "The Underworld" is nearly complete.  As each one is finished it is sent to professionals and agents in the production business.
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Bryon Smith
Author of
"The Adventures of Megan Martin"